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October 2024 Update

Writer: Bill FinniganBill Finnigan

Dear Ones:

We are at war as a country! We are a “house divided against itself” and destined to fall. China and Russia are not our primary enemies, but the enemy is us. We are imploding from within and the present political disarray is only a symptom of the problem. The candidates for office are not as scary to me as our fellow Americans who lack moral and political integrity along with common sense. No politician can save this nation, but there’s still hope that the Lord will graciously invade and awaken our society. Nothing will change a corrupt and deceived nation like a holy manifestation of the fear of Almighty God! I’m talking about a profound sense of God’s awesome presence across the land, involving the church. (e.g. Jonah and Nineveh)

The satanic forces that are fighting to destroy Israel are also determined to take down America. This is a spiritual warfare that supersedes mere “flesh and blood.” The anti-Christ spirit permeates our culture as evidenced by the growing rejection of the Bible. We have thus opened ourselves to the ancient pagan gods of death and destruction; e.g. Halloween and abortion.

Thankfully, our God ultimately controls the rise and fall of kings. (cf. Prov. 21:1) However, the Lord has given us the privilege and responsibility to make choices in the voting booth. How am I voting? I’m voting for a return to Constitutional America! The choice is clear. It’s been said that “If we don’t use our freedom to protect our freedom we will lose our freedom.” Furthermore, those who refuse to vote do not deserve their freedom! While being a good citizen here, I will strive to focus on my Heavenly citizenship and my Savior’s soon Return. (cf. Phil. 3:20&21)

While we anticipate the future reign of the Prince of Peace on earth, let us be genuine, Spirit-filled ambassadors for Christ. May our lives reflect His glorious person (character) causing some to acquire an “appetite” for Heaven.

I recently had a delightful visit from some of my “old young people” from our first church in So. Canaan, PA. We were able to see the Ark and Creation Museum in KY. I (along with Chris) have been involved with these “young” folks annually for over 50 years!

Thank you for your continued intercession, asking God to open many hearts for the Gospel. The Mission is going well and I am so blessed to be busily engaged in the ministry of souls. Thankfully, I’m in good health (no Rx) but still get tired out. My walking has improved some but not enough to play tennis (yet).. What about it? Do pray for me and don’t forget our beloved nation.

Love to you all!

Bro. Bill

1 Tim. 2:1-4




| Bill Finnigan | 8883 Sherwood Dr. NE | Warren, OH 44484 | 330-609-6236 | |

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